"Every woman and many men are goddesses..."
Isn’t it time to reclaim your birthright?
- Recognize your true worth!
- Know that you are good enough
- Awaken to Divine Goddess within you!
This is the book to read! Learn what’s been holding you back, why it’s not your fault, and how to get past it all to emerge as an extraordinary, unique, wise being of love and light. You can get there from where you are.
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What you'll Learn
Why read this book?
Reading it is an evolutionary experience all on its own. It's enlightening, it's fun, it's designed for the emerging goddess, no matter where on the path you are.
Blocks to being a goddess
It is not your fault! We've been trained to look on the surface of life only. Now's your chance to look a little deeper.
Goddess Wisdom
Meet a few goddess and explore the Divine qualities you may already have!
How do I get there from here?
Each chapter has its own spiritual exercise to help you grow and experience your inner Self.

Free preview
Don’t take my word for it. Read the first few pages on Amazon and see how this will change your life. This is for you if:
- You believe there must be more to life
- You sometimes feel like you'll never be quite enough
- You feel stuck

Author spotlight
Allura Janet Adelson is a spiritual leader, lovingly dedicated to helping women leave self-doubt, uncertainty, and feelings of unworthiness behind to emerge as the confident, powerful, deserving goddess that they were meant to be. She is America’s #1 Goddess Guide.
Allura Janet Adelson
Readers say

Allura Adelson believes that every woman is a goddess. If the idea of falling in love with yourself appeals to you, “Let Your Goddess Shine Through!” is for you.
Allura is the perfect goddess guide. Written in a style that is easy, engaging, and encouraging, her book has two special features. First, it contains messages from several forms of the Divine Mother from different cultures, transmitted directly to the author for readers. And it offers spiritual exercises to help readers enliven their divine nature, making the wisdom in this book practical.
Every time I look at my advance copy of this book, it’s as if it’s surrounded by light. Fitting, since the author’s desire appears to be to help every reader learn how to shine. I believe “Let Your Goddess Shine Through!” achieves this beautiful goal.
— Jennifer Hawthorne, author of Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul.
Allura Adelson’s new book, “Let Your Goddess Shine Through,” may have been written by a woman for other women, but there is much to learn there for us men. The book is about discovering the Divine Self that lives within each of us – both men and women. It is about becoming aligned with your Divine Truth, your Perfect Path to a life of fulfillment.
We are all Divine Beings and many of the techniques Allura describes can also be used by men to foster their own awakenings. Allura’s personal relationship with Divine Mother should give us all hope that each of us can have a personal relationship with God – whatever form and personality that expression of God may take.
The book also gave me some insight into the inner workings of the spiritual woman’s mind and heart (ever a confusing world for men…and constantly in need of updating…). If you are seeking your inner Self; if you are looking for tools to help you discover your True Purpose within the Divine Plan – then you should read this book now.
— Rick Gault, Life Coach, Spiritual Guide, Meditation Instructor, Speaker.

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- Have you been growing to goddess-hood already?
- Have you been experiencing growing pains on your journey?
- Did you try some of the spiritual exercises in the book?
- Now is the time!
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